#7: Linking

1 hour – Check internal linking

Pages should have less than 100 links per page. Anything over 100 links per page is typically a poor user experience.

The Check My Links Chrome Plugin can help you track all these links as well as find broken links quickly and easily. Broken links can reduce your search traffic. Google takes it as a sign that you are not maintaining your page.

The most important pages should be linked to and from the home page. This signals to search engines the importance of the page. Don’t bury pages because they won’t be viewed as important to search engines.

1 hour – Check outbound and inbound links

Check outbound links from the site. Ensure they are accurate and you’re not linking to anything you don’t want associated with your site.

You can enter link from domain: yoursite.com into Bing search engine to see the list.

Check inbound links in the Google Search Console for any inappropriate links or bad links. Review the sites linking to your domain to find any inappropriate linking to your website.

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