Advanced SEO

Website Accessibility in 2024: Your Guide to Checking and Conquering

Website Accessibility in 2024: Your Guide to Checking and Conquering

The internet should be a welcoming space for everyone, regardless of ability. In 2024, website accessibility will no longer be just a best practice; it will be an essential aspect of web design. An accessible website ensures everyone can find the information and interact with your content seamlessly. But with ever-evolving accessibility standards, how do you check your website’s accessibility? Worry not; this comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge and tools to assess and improve your website’s accessibility in 2024. Read More

A Simple Enterprise SEO Strategy for Big Results

A Simple Enterprise SEO Strategy for Big Results
For enterprise-level businesses, crafting a winning SEO strategy can feel like steering a battleship through a hurricane. Complex websites, diverse audiences, and internal hurdles can leave even the most seasoned SEO warriors feeling overwhelmed.

But fear not! This guide will be your lighthouse, breaking down a simple yet powerful SEO strategy for large businesses. With clear steps and actionable advice, we’ll help you navigate the complexities of enterprise SEO, ensuring your brand rises to the top of search engine results pages (SERPs).

The Three Pillars of Enterprise SEO

Before diving into specifics, let’s set a strong foundation. Three key pillars underpin a successful enterprise SEO strategy:

  1. Automation: SEO tools and Ai can automate repetitive tasks like keyword research and competitor analysis, freeing up your team to focus on higher-level strategy and content creation.
  2. Workflow Management: A clear workflow is essential, as multiple departments are potentially involved in SEO efforts. Define roles, responsibilities, and communication channels for a smooth operation.
  3. Cross-departmental Collaboration: SEO success hinges on collaboration between marketing, development, and content teams. Ensure everyone understands the SEO goals and their role in achieving them.

Charting Your Course: Essential SEO Steps

With our pillars in place, let’s navigate the core SEO steps:

  1. SEO Audit & Competitive Analysis: Start with a comprehensive SEO audit to identify technical issues, content gaps, and areas for improvement. Analyze your top competitors’ SEO strategies to understand their strengths and weaknesses.
  2. Keyword Research: Uncover the terms your target audience uses to search for products or services related to your industry. Prioritize high-volume, relevant keywords.
  3. Content is King (and Queen): Create high-quality, informative content that caters to your audience’s search intent. This could include blog posts, white papers, case studies, infographics, or videos.
  4. Technical SEO Optimization: Ensure your website is technically sound, focusing on factors like site speed, mobile-friendliness, and a clean website structure.
  5. On-Page Optimization: Optimize your website’s content and structure for your target keywords. This includes optimizing page titles, meta descriptions, header tags, and image alt text.
  6. Off-Page Optimization (Link Building): Earn backlinks from high-authority websites in your industry. Backlinks act as votes of confidence for search engines, boosting your website’s authority and ranking potential.

Remember: SEO is a marathon, not a sprint. Be patient, consistently monitor your progress through analytics tools, and adapt your strategy based on data and ongoing SEO trends.

Bonus Tip: Content Promotion is Key

Don’t just create great content—actively promote it! Share it on social media, submit it to relevant industry publications, and leverage influencer marketing to reach a wider audience. The more eyes on your content, the more potential backlinks you can earn.

By following these simple yet effective SEO strategies, your enterprise website can navigate the ever-changing digital landscape and establish itself as a leader in your industry. Remember, a well-executed SEO strategy is an investment that reaps long-term rewards, driving organic traffic, leads, and sales. So, raise your SEO sails and set a course for SERP domination!

How to Measure the ROI of SEO: A Comprehensive Guide

In today’s digital age, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has become crucial to any successful online marketing strategy. It’s not just about increasing website visibility on search engines; it’s about driving organic traffic, improving user experience, and achieving a positive return on investment (ROI).
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Can AI Content Rank on Google? – An Ongoing Experiment

Exploring the Benefits and Challenges of AI

The utilization of AI in content development offers numerous benefits. AI excels at creating content, improving paragraphs, and suggesting titles for articles, thereby significantly speeding up the development process.

However, for our experiment, our primary interest was determining how well a website would rank solely with AI-generated content. As it turns out, the results have been less than satisfactory thus far.

Our study has shed light on the complexities involved in relying solely on AI-generated content for website ranking, highlighting the need for a balanced approach that integrates the strengths of both AI and traditional copywriting.

To conduct this study, we employed Domain X, a completely new domain with no search history and Domain Y, a domain with a two year search history.

Domain X

The first domain was fresh, lacking any prior activity or history. During the course of our study, we published 30 pieces of content on Domain X, all of which covered various vacation-related topics for a highly searched vacation destination.

Impressions Soar in the Initial Month

During the initial month, the website experienced modest but notable increases in impressions through Google Search Console, following a traditional content scale. The second month started strong and reached a peak in the middle, but towards the end, the momentum began to wane. While this month initially appeared promising and served as a positive indicator for future months, the momentum ultimately dissipated. Despite this, the domain managed to reach its peak with 1,820 impressions and two clicks.

Google’s Algorithm Update Dealt a Blow to Our Review-Focused Study

Unfortunately, our efforts were impeded by a recent algorithm update by Google in April 2023, specifically targeting websites with review-related content, which was the focus of our study.

The nature of our website, which involved writing reviews of places and destinations, was adversely affected by this algorithm update, thereby impacting the outcome of our research.

Domain Y

On the two-year-old domain, we published a total of 30 articles, consisting of 15 articles generated solely by AI and 15 articles written by content writers. This balanced composition resulted in a 50% AI-generated content and 50% traditional copywriting ratio.

Traditional Content Outperforms AI Content

As of now the best ranking articles, from Domain Y are the one’s developed by copywriters. In fact our AI generated content has received little to no organic traffic. Even though the subject and substance is better than the content written by copywriters.

Key Takeaways

  • AI excels in content creation, paragraph improvement, and title suggestions, speeding up the development process.
  • Ranking websites solely with AI-generated content has shown limitations and challenges.
  • Balancing AI and traditional copywriting is essential for optimal content development and website rankings.

Achieving Optimal Content Development

Acknowledging the evolving landscape of search engine algorithms and their potential implications for content development strategies is crucial. While AI remains a powerful tool, it is essential to consider the context, purpose, and alignment with search engine guidelines to achieve optimal results for your businesses marketing strategy.

How to Use AI in Your Marketing Strategy

If you want to use AI in your marketing strategy use it knowing the weaknesses and strengths. As of now the biggest strengths of AI is Speed, Speed, and Speed.

1. Email and Social: Leverage AI for quick turn around articles for social media or email marketing campaigns. Those channels do not wholly rely on Google’s algorithm to determine success.

2. First Drafts: AI is great at creating rough drafts on really complicated topics. But treat them more as a rough draft meant to be improved by human hands and gray matter thoughts.

How Not to Use AI

As of now it seems a recent Google update has mitigated SERP spam by targeting content categories most likely to encourage spam which includes, reviews about products, services, and things. But due to the value of organic search traffic for businesses i’m sure that will still incentives people to attempt to spam SERPs.

Further Research on AI and Organic Search

In light of these findings, we will conduct further research and experimentation to better understand the interplay between AI-generated content, search engine algorithms, and website rankings. By continuously adapting our strategies, we can harness the benefits of AI while navigating the challenges to ensure the long-term success of content development endeavors.


In conclusion, our study on the benefits of AI in content development revealed both promising outcomes and challenges. Using AI in content development provides benefits in creating, improving, and suggesting content. However, relying solely on AI-generated content for website ranking has shown limitations. Balancing AI with traditional copywriting is crucial for optimal content development and website rankings.

The Art of Link Building

In the ever-evolving realm of digital marketing, one key strategy stands tall as the cornerstone of search engine optimization (SEO): link building. This practice involves acquiring hyperlinks from external websites to your own, ultimately enhancing your online visibility, website authority, and organic search rankings. However, link building has become complex and challenging as search engines become increasingly sophisticated. This article explores the various strategies, challenges, and ethical considerations surrounding link building. Read More

Subdomain vs. Subdirectory: Which is Better for SEO?

From an SEO perspective, there are many questions (and opinions) about which is better for search engine optimization: subdomains or subfolders.

The one thing you’re sure to find is that everyone has a different opinion on the ‘subdomain vs. subfolder’ argument.

It’s up to you to decide which structure makes the most sense for your website and SEO. Let’s start with a basic breakdown of each.
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Top App Store Optimization Tools

It’s one thing to create an app, but another thing entirely to get it in front of your audience. And that’s why app store optimization (ASO) has become a trending topic over the past couple of years.

The goal of app store optimization is to move your app to the top of the search results, similar to SEO, thus positioning you to acquire more downloads and boost visibility.
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How To Combine PPC and SEO Synergies

SEO and Google Search Ads have so many synergies and data that can be utilized to drive growth for both marketing strategies. However, this data isn’t always shared to support the other program.

There is a reason for this, each marketing strategy requires a specialized skill set and often is managed by separate individuals and teams (SEOs and Paid Search Marketers).
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What Does SpyFu Do?

Regardless of your business type and industry, you’re sure to have quite a bit of competition. The way you deal with this competition – especially in regards to your online presence – has a lot to say about your future success.

This leads to an important question: what’s the best way to spy on your competition online?
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How to Get High Quality Backlinks for Your Website

As search engine optimization continues to evolve, it is interesting to see how link building evolves with this trend. The strategy is completely different from a decade ago. Even looking at the past five years presents a lot of changes.

Therefore, it makes sense to discuss how to use modern best practices, so you don’t get blackballed by Google. Below we discuss the power of link building for your business.
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How to Stop Spam Bots

Our goal in this article about spam is to teach you have to remediate and eliminate spammers opportunities with your WordPress website and Google Analytics data.

As the world’s most popular content management system, there’s a good chance your website and/or blog is powered by WordPress. So we combined the two into one post.
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How to Find Your Competitors Backlinks

Do you have dreams of pushing your website to the top of the search engine rankings for your target keywords?

While Google takes many factors into play when ranking websites, links from other sites remains at the top of the list. This is why it’s so important to focus on building high quality, relevant links.

Many companies struggle with this for one primary reason: they don’t know which links to chase.
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10 Tips to Avoid Over-Optimizing Your Website

If you read my blog you know I write a lot about SEO.

Why? What’s the big deal? Why am I obsessed with SEO?

On the personal side, I write about optimization because, well, I really enjoy helping businesses grow.

This leads me to my next question!

Is your website suffering from too much of a good thing?

Over Optimization: Signs Your Website Has Too Much SEO

Well, if you are reading this blog post, its very possible you are suffering from over-optimization!
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